Thursday, May 2, 2013

Walking on a Cloud of Electrons

Today's blog post is an illustration I created for my thesis inspired by the quote, "We all walk on a cloud of electrons," from the book "Mind, Life, and Universe" which is a collection of essays from many different scientists. It was definitely a fun read for me; it really spans the gamut of topics from quantum mechanics to biology to physics. This particular line really stuck with me and I thought it would be a great concept to illustrate.

Above is the process for creating the illustration. First I created several thumbnails. Then I did a character study for the kind of woman I had in mind to draw. I knew I was going to use the atoms separately, so I inked many different atoms to use later in Photoshop. Then came the drawing of the characters and then inking them.

Above is the finished drawing, photoshopped together.

And the final illustration!

I haven't posted in over a month because I've been furiously working on my thesis and finishing up the semester. This is my last semester of classes and I'll continue working on my thesis to refine it and strengthen it for my Final Review in the summer. But it's going to be so nice to be done with classes! It was a great experience and really strengthened me as an illustrator, but I am done with academics and am looking forward to what lies ahead!

Part of that being regular blog posts! Woot! I'll be back to posting twice a week, so keep an eye out for more illustrations, process, and experimentations to come.

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