Booth confirmed and deadlines nearing, I'm excited for APE (Alternative Press Expo) this year and you should be too!!! Why? Well, obviously, COMICS. Then even more blatant... MY COMIC! I'll have my first issue of War Days there, self-published in all of its blasphemous glory.
So many nuns...
I'm finishing layout and printing is next week for my comic. Not only will I have my comic to sell, but also a sweet collaborative zine with my tablemates Allentine and Andy Malpica (along with some other badass illustrator contributors). Our theme is TV shows and movies with animal characters. I illustrated The X-Files and The IT Crowd.
Of course Mulder is a fox.
Chinchilla Moss
So much critter fun...
Not only that, but I'll have prints, originals, and necklaces and keychains!
Get these bad boys.
More necklaces in production...
So clear your calendar the first weekend of October and come out to APE!!!