I am just in the throes of finals. And speaking of which... here are a few of the illustrations that I created for my final project for Crossing Borders. We had to choose terminology and then illustrate/visually depict their meaning. Here are a few of the ones I drew which turned out... okay? Better than expected?

derived from Latin term "alteritas" meaning "the state of being other or different; diversity; otherness"
in post-colonial theory, alterity is used interchangeably with otherness and difference
Often concerned with the ways and extent to which representation and language are crucial to identity formation and to the construction of subjectivity
a theory of the distinctiveness of African personality and culture developed by African francophone writers such as Leopold Sedar Senghor and Birago Diop, and West Indian colleagues such as Aime Cesaire in Paris in the period immediately before and after the Second World War
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The negritudinist critics insisted that African cultures and the literatures they produced had aesthetic and critical standards of their own, and needed to be judged in the light of their differences and their specific concerns rather than as a mere offspring of the parental European cultures
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The concept of negritude implied that all people of negro descent shared certain inalienable essential characteristics--both essentialist and nativist
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What made the negritude movement distinct was its attempt to extend perceptions of the negro as possessing a distinctive "personality" into all spheres of life: intellectual, emotional, and physical
All information on terminology is taken from the book "Post Colonial Studies: The Key Concepts" by Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths, and Helen Tiffin